Government Aid to Students
Federal Student Aid: The office of Federal Student Aid provides publications, fact sheets, online tools, and other resources to help you prepare and pay for college or career school.
U.S. Department of Education: Source of information for federal financial aid programs, links to the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form, etc.
South Carolina Department of Education: Information on aid opportunities for post-secondary education from the South Carolina Department of Higher Education. Covers South Carolina scholarships and grants, student loans, and related assistance programs.
General Financial Aid and Scholarships
College Scholarships: Scholarship and grant search engine.
FastWEB: A free search and update service for finding scholarships offered at more than 1000 colleges and universities. Also includes basic financial aid information and strategies for parents and students.
FinAid: The Financial Aid Web Page: Comprehensive source for financial aid information. Extensive links to free databases of scholarships, grants, etc.
UNCF Scholarships: UNCF is the nation’s largest private scholarship provider to minority group members.
Scholarship Search:Free, searchable database of scholarships, loans, internships, etc. from non-college sources. Sponsored by The College Board.
Grants, Foundations, and Charities
Charity Navigator: Provides information about charities. It also evaluates them, but only from a financial perspective (efficiency and long-term sustainability). This site allows grant seekers to electronically find and apply for grants from 26 agencies of the federal government.
Pell Grants: Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree.